Saturday, April 23, 2011

LeFleur's Rant of the Week: Donald Trump, Really People?

Many Democrats find all this Donald crap to be hilarious.  They're actually praying that he continues this charade just so he could further tarnish the image of the Republican brand.  Like the media, they seem to be enjoying every minute of this.  As a liberal I can't say I share the same enthusiasm.  I think what Trump is doing is not only hugely irresponsible, but dangerous.  While I don't believe Donald Trump to be racist, he's blatantly perpetuating lies that are based on deep ignorance and bigotry.  That in itself is a cause for concern.

Seriously, how is this guy even in the running for a potential GOP nomination?  This is the same jackass that allowed himself to be embarrassed on one of Comedy Central's infamous roasts.  Well he actually embarrasses himself every time time he opens his mouth and proudly flaunts that squirrel on top of his head, but that's besides the point.  How can one vote for a man that flippantly refers to black people as "the blacks"?  Donald is like a third grader that boasts about his earnings like an insecure jock playing a game of my dick is bigger than your dick.

I know a lot of people are saying that he's doing this just for the attention, but I'm not so sure anymore.  I think it started off that way to help boost his ratings on The Apprentice.  But with each passing poll(that puts him at the top or near the top of potential candidates), I think he's actually crazy enough to take a run at it.  The numbers certainly give credence to support a legit run at the nomination.  He certainly has the Tea Baggers and all these fringe right-winged lunatics on his side.  All he has to do is bring up all this "birther" bullshit and the base goes nuts.  It's a truly a sign of how pathetic the political discourse has gotten in this country.  Instead of bringing up actual issues, he brings up this" birther" garbage to a round cheap applause and pops.  Yes, because an issue that was proven false with actual documentation and evidence is more important than the real problems at hand.

But hey who the hell cares about his flip-flopping on abortion and gay marriage right?  Forget all the hard line stances on fiscal conservatism and allow a man with a shady financial history(that's filed bankruptcy for his enterprises on several occasions) to run this country.  "But, but, but... he's a birther, therefore it's okay!"  Just as long as he takes America back from that socialist Muslim that was born in an African country named Hawaii right?

Dear Lord... what the hell is wrong with this country.


  1. Melania or whatever her name is interviewed harping on the birth certificate issue. Astonishing. But some of Donald's best friends are blacks! Because they live in the same city as him, how could he not like Them? And meanwhile R and J still check out celebrity apprentice. *writhes*

  2. He's a joke and so are his supporters. Conservatives seem to have gotten crazier during the last couple of years. Just look at all the recent polls of the percentage of Republicans that actually think that Obama was either born in another country or believe he's a Muslim. It's astonishing. And yes, it has everything to do with ignorance and bigotry.
